Fr Raphael's Memorial Day 2024

On 25th July, 2024 we marked one year since our dear Father Raphael fell asleep in the Lord. We are so grateful to Fr Joseph (our current Priest in charge) leading the celebrations with Fr Stephen and Fr Evgeny coming from Oxford and Ipswich respectively to join us (thank you also to Matushkas Sarah, Anna and Ludmila!). Thank you to so many of you coming from all over the world to pray and to mark this special day. We also really appreciate your messages of prayers and support from those of you, who could not attend. The choir sang beautifully under the reliable wing of our wonderful Aniko. We also greeted our beloved Matushka Carolyn Anna on her namesday as it was the Feast of the Dormition of St Anna, the Righteous Ancestor of God. Memory Eternal to our dear Father Raphael!