
New to Orthodoxy?

If you are new to the Orthodox faith, Fr Joseph has a few reading recommendations here. There's plenty of material online but you need discernment as there is a lunatic fringe out there. Here's a short but very comprehensive video about the Orthodox Christian lifeHe has also put together a few videos on his personal site.

Reading List

The Orthodox Study Bible

The Orthodox Church - Kallistos Ware

The classic one volume introduction to Orthodoxy

Good on the history of the Church. 

The Orthodox Way - also by Kallistos Ware

Good on prayer and spirituality

An Introduction to God - Fr Andrew Damick

Concise but profound. Good on asceticism and morality. 

Beginning to Pray - Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom)

First steps in prayer. 

Other Locations

See the map of our parishes at rocl.org.uk. Services should be at least partly in English.

Our parish in Oxford does livestreaming of services.